Building Leadership for Health
   Building Leadership for Health        

Leadership Development

This is the team of Czech experts I worked with together with Professor Pim Van Arkel, in Prague to develop their course for Public Health Leadership. The clearest message is that leadership is a relationship in which power and responsibility is shared based on the trust that is built up between members of the health team and the public. I also worked with teams in Lithuania and Hungary and later with a team of international experts at WHO, each time adding to our understanding of  the theory and the practice of leadership for health. 

Leadership Development
This powerpoint presentation provides an introduction to leadership development for health it usually takes two full day sessions and should be illustrated by case studies of your local experience. I adapted the original course for clinicians to meet the needs of senior nurse managers but you can adapt it for any health leaders.
1 Leadership and management for Health.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [714.2 KB]
Leadership Style Diagnostic
This is a tool to help you think about whether you are ready for leadership.
11a BLfH Leadership Diagnostic.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [327.5 KB]
Leading and Managing People in Health
This is a module on leading health professionals.
12 BLfH Leading and Managing People.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [682.2 KB]
This is a questionnaire to help you examine your personal leadership style
11b BLfH Leadership Style Questionnaire.[...]
Microsoft Word document [31.8 KB]
Leadership Thoughts
A list of quotations from famouse leaders and gurus useful as a bais for discussing leadership. In Oman health educators used this as a basis for a very beautiful display of words and pictures for their clinical and nursing managers attending the training course.
11c BLfH Some Useful Thoughts on Leaders[...]
Microsoft Word document [21.8 KB]
New Models of Clinical Management
A paper to help you think about innovations in clinical management. I developed this while working on innovative health leadership ideas in Catalonia.
11d BLfH Clinical Management.docx
Microsoft Word document [26.5 KB]

Professor Joan Woodward, who was the leading UK thinker about organisations and the people who led and worked in them, gave me the encouragement and support I needed to undertake a PhD in the management and leadership of collieries in 1969. She took me in to her new Industrial Sociology Unit at Imperial College and was my first PhD supervisor, I owe a great debt of gratitude to her kindly guidance and wisdom. When she died in 1971 I remember picking bluebells on the way back from her funeral with Don Harper, who took over as superviser, he was a social psychologist with a great flair for understanding people and what motivated them (perhaps a trigger for my later interest in social marketing). My external examiner was Keith Thurley of the LSE, which is why my doctorate was awarded by the Faculty of Economics (a focus for much of my later work). I enjoyed great support from my colleagues, Sandra Dawson, Janine Nahapiet, Arthur Francis, Celia Davies and Dot Griffiths, all now senior academics. 


Recent Publications
Text book "Global Health Diplomacy", available here.

Paper in SMQ on Value for Money in Behaviour Change available here.


Gateway Portsmouth

Led by Portsmouth City Council and funded by the European Integration Fund has  issued a series of reports setting out lessons for co production and social integration. Read more here. We ran a dissemination day for  representatives of integration projects from 6 EU Countries.


Global Health Diplomacy

I  worked with  colleagues to develop training material for an open access online course, which provides an introduction to the topic suitable for diplomats in training, health advocates or international officials, academics and others including students of global health. See   


We ran a course for IFMSA on global health advocacy in 2019 before the WHA see here.


In 2020 I developed further courses on global health advocacy and diplomacy for Students for Global Health, the Cambridge MPhil in Public Health and IFMSA see here.


Evaluating Health Wellbeing and Behaviour Change SROI

I updated the tools and notes to reflect the  evidence in 2016. I provide a discovery learning course on health and wellbeing evaluation for LA and CCG commissioning teams and health professionals see here




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© Graham Lister